Why Should the Consumers not Buy PS3
I do not have a bias to the Playstation 3 and it is a wonderful gaming console. Engineers at the Sony Corporation worked really hard on developing the latest technology. Hearing about how great the PS3 sounds to people is really getting old and tiring to me. Of course new items that come out later will be more technologically advanced. Do you honestly think that the PS3 would be absolutely worse then the PS2? I will not hesitate to say it could be better then the Xbox 360. Sony worked longer and harder on developing newer and more advanced gaming consoles. Buying things will be generally better does not mean that they necessarily better. Here are my top ten reasons why the every day consumer should not purchase the PS3.
10. The weight of the PS3 is roughly eleven pounds that can be compared to an extremely large text book. Moving the console around can be quit irritating and annoying.
9. Underestimating the Xbox 360 would be completely undermining considering they had an enormous head start on the Sony Corporation.
8. Computers recently caught up to the gaming consoles over then last few years. PC gamers have no need to purchase a console. If there are certain games that are still on the consoles that are not on the pc.
7. From previous experiences most PC games take up more than 256MB, the PS3 only has 256MB of ram. PS3 also have 8 different cores running simultaneously, most people would like to have close to double that memory.
6. What is wrong with the every day DVD drive? Why do we need the Blu-ray drive is completely worthless. Having that much is unnecessary for the games on the disks. The entire Blu ray is the competition with the HD-DVD.
5. Consumers will have to pay for more expensive, having an HD output would require you to purchase an HDMI out. Wireless network adaptors, SD, CompactFlash, and MemoryStick would also require to be purchased to improve your PS3 experiences.
4. Having a bigger hard drive or wanting a bigger one is possible. Just because the PS3 comes with a twenty or 60 GB hard drive does not mean I would want it.
3. Announcing that Sony was introducing motion sensors to their controllers. Shortly after Nintendo announced their controllers would have motion-orientation sensing. Sony is half on the border line from having the motion sensors or not. Xbox is full motion sensing, and Nintendo is the extreme opposite.
2. Cell processors have a unique look on paper but they only have a ten to twenty percent yields then they actually manufactured. It only comes with seven of the eight total cores running when you first receive your PS3. If one of your cores does bust you better hope that your warranty is still valid.
1. Who would pay 600 dollars for a single console? For that price you could almost buy two Dell computers for that much money yeah they may be really shitty but you still will get a better deal out of that. Getting the LCD monitor upgrade for free would also work.
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